Heppenheim City Archive

The Heppenheim City Archive is a public archive in accordance with the Hessian Archive Act and offers citizens, researchers from various disciplines and subject areas, those interested in history, family researchers and members of public and private institutions the opportunity to use archived material within the framework of the requirements set out in the archive statutes.

The holdings form the records of the formerly independent districts, documents from the public schools located in the area of the city of Heppenheim and non-official documents and collections that are of great importance for the city history of Heppenheim (e.g., private bequests, association and club documents, photos, etc.).

Torsten Wondrejz provides an overview of the traditions of Heppenheim and Starkenburg in the Middle Ages elsewhere in  „Regests of the city of Heppenheim and Starkenburg Castle up to the end of Kurmainzer rule (755 to 1461)“.

In addition to the safekeeping, indexing and utilising of archived material, the city archive also provides historical content in accordance with its tasks through publications, exhibitions and events on city history topics and also supports and advises the offices and services of the city administration with regard to their records management.