Leisure time in Heppenheim

For those who wish to be active during their holidays, the activities offered range from swimming to playing skittles. Find some tips on recreational or evening activities below:

Heppenheim Heated Open Air Pool

Walter-Rathenau-Str. 36. The heated open-air pool in Heppenheim offers a 50-metre swimming pool, a non-swimmer pool with slide, teaching pool with a 25-metre slide and a babies’ and kiddies’ paddling pool as well as sunbathing areas, climbing frames, table-tennis tables and a ball court. There is also a kiosk. Please find all important information here: open-air pool


The city of Heppenheim maintains around 35 playgrounds in the city area and the surrounding districts. Here you can find out about the offers before visiting. Playground overview

Skate Park

Weiherhausstr. 14, next to the youth centre “Oase”. London Gap, Curb, Quarter Pipe and launch ramp for skaters and BMX fans. Come on, just join in! Skate Park


In den Langen Äckern, next to the municipal outdoor swimming pool. Grass sports field, grass training field, football area, athletic sports facilities, restaurant. Further sports fields can be found here: am Zentgericht, in the districts Erbach, Hambach, Kirschhausen, Mittershausen and Ober-Laudenbach. Sports facilities


Tennis facilities at Sportpark Heppenheim, In der Lahrbach 44. Find more information here: Sportpark Heppenheim
Tennisclub Blau-Weiß-Heppenheim e. V., In der Lahrbach 19. Find more information here: Tennis-Club Blau-Weiß


Gasthof Jäger, Ortsstraße 31, 64646 Heppenheim-Erbach. Phone: (06252) 2124
Mühlenkeller, Siegfriedstr. 305, 64646 Heppenheim-Kirschhausen. Phone: (06252) 795432
Saalbau, Wilhelmstr. 38, 64646 Heppenheim. Phone: (06252) 2378.


Grillanlage Goldbrunnen, 64646 Heppenheim/Ober-Hambach.
Information and booking: BBQ-places


Saalbau-Kino, Wilhelmstraße 38. Arthouse cinema in the style of the 1950s for approximately 300 viewers. The cinema programme may be found at the Wormser Tor. Please find further information on the cinema here: Saalbau cinema